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Village Hall Renovation

Following a community consultation, we have drawn up plans for a full refurbishment of the hall to make it fit for the next 100 years – more energy efficient, more flexible in its layout and enabling use by more than one group at a time, better kitchen. There is a small working group leading this and the main hurdle is getting the funding to make this happen.


We have developed a business plan to justify the investment we are looking to attract and this is split into 4 sections:

  • Mental Health and wellbeing – utilising the hall for activities targeted at improving the mental health and wellbeing of all our community

  • Economic development – using the hall to help drive economic growth in the community – marketing the hall as a venue for events, use by businesses and working in collaboration with the Loch Ness Hub and other local businesses and groups

  • Heritage – celebrating the heritage of the hall by capturing the history for interactive displays in the new entrance foyer

  • Infrastructure – finding the investment to carry out the refurbishment


Meanwhile we are progressing with smaller scale repairs and improvements which will keep the hall wind and watertight until the full investment is available. We are grateful to Glenuquhart’s Men’s Shed who have been assisting the Hall Committee with all sorts of Jobs that are making a huge difference to the Hall and our Community.


In 2022 we were awarded funding from Highland and Islands Enterprise and Soirbheas to replace the large windows in the main hall and the Highland Council Place based Funding matched with funds from Soirbheas and GURCA to re-slate the main roof. This work has now taken place and we are graeful to Mike Cooper Builders – Highland for an excellent job on the windows and the team at Highland Slaters for their work on the main roof.

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